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What People Say About Christine 

Claire - Florida

It is my pleasure to share with everyone my amazing experiences involving Christine's gift. Over the past 10 months I have been blessed with Christine's abilities to connect with my loved ones who are free from the body. She has given me amazing messages along with insightful angel card readings that have help me stay on my path. These readings have confirmed my situation,  guided me to continue in the right direction, or helped me get back on track for my life purpose.  She even reads pictures of potential men I date with uncanny accuracy.  I must say it has been way more effective than running a back ground check!  HAHAHA.  I love how unpretentious and humble she is, as she blows your mind.  As the information she is giving is just "matter of fact"  she is the messenger and doesn't try to inturpret .  It is your message, and yours alone.  She stays true to her gift and is very professional with any information she receives, which remains yours and is never shared. I highly recommend using Christine's services.  Especially recently passed loved ones you wonder about.  It will change you, maybe even save you, as it has saved me from much grief and suffering.  Wishing you all the best

Robin - Palm Springs

"Being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer during a pandemic, turned my world upside down and I was really looking for some insight and grounding, when thank GOD I found Christine!  Christine did a reading that was precise, accurate and informative.  She is truly one of the most gifted spiritual healers I have ever met.  She gave me messages from loved ones, that she couldn’t have generalized, and clear direction and wisdom.  She really has given me hope.  I am so grateful I have this connection with Christine, as she is really connected to Spirit.  Call her and you will be grateful too.  I can’t recommend Christine enough."

Laura - Sky Valley

I recently had Christine do some intuitive readings for me. I lost my Mom last year and during my reading she told me my Mother was worried about the water leak in my yard. My Mom lived with me and knew that leaks are a big deal for me. I’ve had issues with water damage. The next day I found a spigot in my yard leaking! Thank you Mom and Christine. In another reading I was concerned about visiting my cousin who’s husband had died. Christine got a message that I should contact her and visit. What I didn’t know was that she had been alone for weeks and when I called she was so happy hear from me and very much wanted me to come and visit. I did. I highly recommend Christine, she is sensitive, accurate and skilled. She has gotten me get through some anxiety about my future and helped me to see my way more clearly.

Teena - Kentucky

When One Comes Out of Hiding, Dusts Ones Self Off, & Begins to Grow On Their Journey, Those Individuals Began to Glow...Like the Sunshine radiantly Shining in the Sky! Christine is One of Those Beings!

She has experienced some of the 'worst' losses in her life, this past year of Covid 2020 & Yet the Midst of her Pain she Found Herself!​

Christine, one of the most beautiful, talented, extremely gifted Human Beings...began her journey of 'finding' herself in one year! She stood her ground by allowing herself to heal & grieve. She has rested, retreated in several locations, explored her own reality & existence.

Her card readings are beyond believable, they hit the Bullseye everytime!

Her Mediumship is extraordinary, I Love When Christine Shares her multitude of Gifts with me! I have found it to be especially helpful when I ask for assistance in making important life decisions!!!

Copyright 2021  Psychic Medium Christine Mattingly - Desert Hot Springs, California 


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Must be over 18 Years To Use Services with Christine 

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